When To Stop Chiropractic Treatment (And Why)

discover when to stop chiropractic treatment

Why dedicate an entire article to discuss when to stop chiropractic treatment? Because one of the major concerns people have regarding chiropractic treatment is to end up getting swept into an endless amount of sessions. In fact, one of the most common questions we get is, “How long does treatment last?”

We'll give you the short answer right here, right now...it all depends on the particularities of your case and your goals.

But since we know that many of you are willing to dive deeper into how long you should continue chiropractic treatment and at which point you should stop, in this article we’ll discuss exactly that!

With this being said, let's find out what number of chiropractic sessions patients usually require and what conditions might impact treatment.

Why The Duration Of Treatment Plan Depends On the Patient

Wondering when to stop chiropractic treatment? For patients seeking chiropractic therapy for wellbeing, treatment typically begins with a series of 10 sessions, spanned over the course of 10 weeks. This is the average amount of sessions it takes for chiropractic to have an impact. 

While, in most cases, pain relief and a general sense of relaxation are experienced after the very first session, 10 sessions will work the best to reduce inflammation in the entire area where treatment is performed.

When To Stop Chiropractic Based On The Cause Of Treatment

When people decide to try chiropractic therapy to treat an existing issue such as low back pain, neck pain, misalignments of the spine, headaches, or sciatica, the duration of treatment ultimately depends on the two elements mentioned above: the particularities of the case and its treatment goals.

All these should be discussed during the first session, during which the chiropractor reviews the patients' medical files and assesses their health. This initial assessment should include all necessary medical evaluations such as X-rays, MRIs, blood tests, and so on. 

Only through a complete health screening can a chiropractor determine their patient’s current health and the evolution of the ailments that need to be fixed.

Following this initial assessment, chiropractors will explain to the patient what type of therapy is recommended for their particular case. Based on the therapy chosen and its expected goals, the patient will be offered a treatment plan and be given an opinion on the estimated duration of the first part of it.

What Are The Stages Of Chiropractic Treatment?

Once these first sessions are performed, the chiropractor will reassess the patient's health and, together, they can evaluate how many of the treatment goals have been achieved during this time. This is the best moment to discuss with your doctor when to stop chiropractic treatment and whether more sessions are required.

Please note that while it might take a few sessions to see the full potential of chiropractic therapy, treatment can be stopped at any time. The major advantage of chiropractic care compared to drug-based treatments, or surgical procedures, is that it can be stopped at any time without damaging the patient's health. 

Should the patient stop chiropractic care abruptly, the only negative consequence is the treatment has not reached its full potential. Other than that, the patient will not be in any danger.

When To Stop Chiropractic Treatment

chiropractor evaluating a patient’s state of health

There are some cases when chiropractic treatment should be stopped. The best scenario is when the patient has already achieved the initial goals set for their treatment. A new session of chiropractic adjustments can be restarted at any time with a new set of goals, be it for wellbeing, pain management, or any other health concerns.

However, there are some instances when chiropractic treatment must be stopped because it is not providing the intended results. If patients do not feel any improvement after the first few sessions or feel deterioration of their health with pain increasing instead of subsiding, these are all signs that treatment needs to stop.

Another Course Of Action

Wondering what’s the next step once chiropractic sessions have been stopped? A reassessment of the case based on the patient’s re-evaluation to see if anything has changed in their condition is the best course of action.

Sometimes, new X-rays might be required. Ideally, the chiropractor will connect with the patient's doctor and other therapists to check if any new developments should be considered.

The goal is to co-manage the patient and provide them with the best possible care. If the patient is also getting another type of treatment, such as physical therapy or massage sessions, communication will help determine the best solutions.

Chiropractors usually have close ties with health professionals in the area, including doctors, pain management specialists, physical therapy specialists, or massage therapists. Traditional medicine and alternative care like chiropractic work excellent together. Communication between specialists will not only help them complete treatment but will also benefit the patient.

How To Complete Your Treatment At Home

Regardless if chiropractic treatment has been stopped because the patient’s issue has been solved or because a new approach is required, lifestyle changes are always welcome.

A chiropractor will discuss with patients their lifestyle and ergonomics — especially with those seeking treatment for sciatica or lower back pain. Other topics will be their diet and sleep patterns.

Based on all these, the chiropractor may choose to try new techniques, change the treatment frequency, or even include a home exercise program.

As you can see, when it comes to when to stop chiropractic treatment, the duration of it depends on the patient’s particularities and the goals set. While improvement cannot be experienced overnight, the treatment shouldn’t last so long that it becomes a burden for the patient.

If you want to find out more about chiropractic care, when to stop chiropractic treatment, or how a chiropractor can help you fix many health problems, feel free to contact us today and set an appointment in our clinic.

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