Can Chiropractic Help With Joint Problems? Yes! Here’s Why.

woman suffering elbow joint pain relief from chiropractor

Can joint pain be treated at a chiropractic practice? Yes! In fact, chiropractic care is a safe and effective way to treat a wide range of joint aches, from knee to lower back pain, arthritis, and more. Learn about it on this blog!

Chiropractic therapy is best known for treating back and neck pain. From sciatica to cervical pain, chiropractors are world-famous for dealing with both acute and chronic back problems. But there is much more that this holistic therapy can do for you. If you have joint problems, then chiropractic treatment is well worth your time. 

The Backbone Is Connected To...Well, Everything

The reason why chiropractic therapy is efficient in dealing with so many types of issues — including joint problems — is that it focuses on the spine. Due to factors like improper work conditions, sleep ergonomics, stress, or lack of physical exercise, the vertebrae in your spine can become misaligned. This doesn't only lead to back pain, but affects the blood vessels and nerves connected to the vertebrae. In turn, this affects the muscles and joints in your entire body.

The main goal of chiropractic adjustments is to realign the vertebrae into a physiological position because this has a beneficial effect on the entire body by improving blood flow to muscles and eliminating strain on the nerves. The procedures are not painful, and the effects can be felt after the very first session.

How Chiropractic Works For Joint Problems

a chiropractor helping patient with joint pain

Similarly to how chiropractic therapy deals with realigning the spine into its physiological position, it also addresses joint issues — such as knees, elbows, wrists, shoulders, etc.

When assessing joint pain, the chiropractor will first talk to the patient to understand the following:

  • The pain level that the patient is feeling

  • The medication the patient is on

  • If the problem is acute or chronic

  • How the pain started

  • Underlying issues

  • The patient's lifestyle

This initial visit and discussion are essential for developing the ideal treatment plan. Based on this information, the chiropractor will examine the affected area to assess the level of misalignment. Then, mobility level is evaluated by having the patient extend and flex arms and/or legs, examining the joints in both positions, as well as during movement. 

The affected joint will also be compared to its counterpart to get the full picture.

Once the evaluation is finished, the chiropractor will determine the proper sequence of adjustments to place the joint back into its physiological position. 

These will focus on the bones, muscles, tendons, and nerves by gradually guiding them back into position, thus removing pressure and tension in the area. Additionally, depending on the type of technique applied, the chiropractor may perform massage therapy in the affected area to stimulate blood flow and expedite the healing process.

Physical Therapy And Exercise

Physical therapy is also an important part of the treatment plan. The chiropractor will prescribe the patient a series of exercises that they should perform at home daily. These are required to strengthen the muscles around the joint and improve mobility.

While the beneficial effects can be felt after the first session, dealing with joint problems requires several consultations with your chiropractor. The treatment plan will be determined during the initial visit so that the patient knows what to expect.

Depending on the cause of the joint pain, the chiropractor may work together with the patient's orthopedic doctor to complete the treatment. In many cases, patients are referred to chiropractors by their orthopedists because this treatment is suitable for most individuals, especially those with underlying health problems like cardiovascular conditions or diabetes.

The Benefits Of Chiropractic For Joint Pain

The biggest benefit that comes with chiropractic therapy for joint problems is that it doesn't involve any medication. Chiropractic adjustments play a significant role in dealing with chronic pain and eliminating the use of anti-inflammatory and pain medication.

While taking medication for a few days isn't an issue for most patients, taking it for an extended period — usually the case with chronic joint problems — can have serious side effects. Moreover, patients with underlying health conditions may not even be able to take this medication at all.

Chiropractic therapy is highly beneficial because it can be performed consistently without any health concerns for the patients, supporting their long-term health goals. The exact opposite of pain medication!

Chiropractic is available to a wide variety of patients, regardless of their underlying conditions, as it doesn't interact with their medication, making this type of treatment a true godsend.

To find out more about the benefits of chiropractic for joint pain relief, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are waiting for you in our Los Gatos chiropractic office to assess your health, and recommend the best personalized treatment for you.

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